All in One Hand
We are here in the US and know what we are selling. We know our families, the school, and the teachers.
You can buy your experience directly with us, and there are no agencies that you’ll need to contact if there are any problems. We will deal with you!As you can see, we are a family business!

Meet the Family
Manon Sander is a mother of six from Germany. In 2014, she sent her older son Piet over to the USA. He became a student at the Indian River Charter High School. That was the beginning of a big change for the whole family. Manon was a teacher in Germany at different schools and Universities of education. She also wrote more than 35 books in the field of education. Manon thinks the Indian River Charter High School is the best school for her children and for others, too. Manon is always there to talk to parents and students if there are problems, questions, and wishes. She loves to travel and explore the environment. She is working in the field of education since 1990.Piet Sander: He is the oldest son and former student of Indian River Charter High School. He still is in good contact with his school – and if needed, he works there as a substitute. He has been an exchange student himself and knows the school and teachers. On top he has been in contact with the host families. Piet graduated with a degree in business and is now studying at JU in Jacksonville for his master’s.Per Sander: Also a Charter Alumni, he graduated from UNF in Jacksonville with a major in computer science. If you ever need help with any computer issue, Per can help you.Peik Sander: He graduated in 2022 from Charter and was the first who attended Charter all four years. He studied in Key West for a year to get his AA degree and then transferred to FAU to study business administration.Pjark Sander: He graduated in May 2023 from IRCHS and will attend Florida Polytech to study computer science with a concentration in game design. Pjark loved the visual arts program at Charter a lot and did some exhibitions in the field of art.Ronja and Kaja are current students at the school. You might find them on campus!Our team at Sido-School: We could not do that without our team. We can speak German, we have someone speaking French and Spanish. Someone needs to do the bookkeeping, there is always someone to answer phone calls, we need marketing, and so on and so on! And everybody on our team is thrilled to welcome you to the States!